The journey never ends

A lost friend leaves a voice mail…
Someone responds to a Facebook post…
A couple walks into a restaurant…
A friend sends a text message…

You never know when something that seems so insignificant, will completely change your life.

After not visiting the Virgin Islands for 30 years, Jaguar now has been back 3 times in a little over a year. It’s crazy how something that seems so impossible can somehow become real.

At the end of the trip we realized that together we did something great. And we did it with people we love. We will forever be best friends. It was never perfect. But Jaguar has always been about passion not perfection. We will hold this experience in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

Jaguar has so many people to thank. These people were a huge part of making this trip possible. We keep meeting the nicest most gracious people. It’s why we are so drawn to this magical place.

And special thanks to the Virgin Islands for once again giving us so much more then we could ever give back.

Until next time…..