30th Reunion Part 1

Jaguar reunited 30 years later to exact day of their first show in the US Virgin Islands. It was an amazing week of laughter, music, sunshine and companionship. In many ways it was better than the first trip.

Getting Ready

January 12, 2019
We are just a couple of days from our reunion.
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Day 1

January 15, 2019
How we spent the our first day on our long journey to our 30 year reunion….
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Day 2

January 16, 2019
Jaguar wakes up to perfection in paradise!
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Day 3

January 17, 2019
Jaguar makes the newspaper!
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Day 4

January 18, 2019
Just another day in paradise….
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Day 5

January 19, 2019
Jaguar performs again after 30 years
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Day 6

January 20, 2019
11-1C St. Peter Mountain Road.
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Day 7

January 21, 2019
Our last full day.
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Day 8

January 22, 2019
Until next time
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